Sunday 15 November 2015

Crystals for Arthritis

Black Tourmaline
Arthritis is a disease of imbalanced body chemistry. Whatever the immediate factor that heralds the onset of arthritis, the body is not eliminating uric acid efficiently. Some people's bodies get rid of toxins more efficiently than others. Stress and anxiety reduce our ability to deal with toxic wastes, incorrect diet gives the body more toxins to deal with and environmental pollution adds to the total burden the body has to cope with. Once a toxic accumulation has built up, it will eventually manifest itself as dis-ease.

Tourmaline is a protective stone that is said to shield against ill-wishing and negative energies. In addition it is believed to protect against electromagnetic smog and radiation from mobile phones.

Tourmaline can be used as a natural insecticide. When buried in the ground or earth around a plant it is believed to deter pests and encourage healthy growth.

Tourmaline is said to encourage a positive attitude to life, whatever the circumstances, dispelling negative thoughts and encouraging clear rational thought processes.

In healing Tourmaline is said to strengthen the immune system and to reduce the pain of arthritis and muscle strain. Keeping a piece of tourmaline near a painful knotted muscle is believed to help relieve the pain.

♥Astrological Sign: Capricorn♥
♥Vibrates to No: 3 & 4♥

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